The skills I'm good at are being adaptable and demostrating positive attitude and behaviours :)
I'm good a adapting to different things because i learn from my mistakes and i can adapt to change easily. A good example is when i moved to Winnipeg last year. It was a hard change for me but i adapted easily. I made new friends and met new people. Winnipeg is very different from a little town like Lac Du Bonnet.
I'm good at demosrating positive attitude and behaviours because i am confident in myself and i think positive when i am in a bad situation. I also deal with my problems honestly and i talk to my family about my problems.
The skills that I'm not good at are using numbers and participating in projects and tasks.
I'm not good using numbers because I'm not good at math and problems that have numbers in them. I'm also not could at measuring and calculating things.
I'm not good at participating in projects and tasks because I'm very shy and I'm not good at planning projects and tasks.